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Creating Shops

Path: shared/shops.lua

Peds and Blips are created through the aquiver-lib resource.

---@class ShopStaticData
---@field shopName string
---@field items ShopItem[]
---@field blip? { sprite: number; colour:number; scale:number; }
---@field locations { x: number; y:number; z:number; }[]
---@field peds? { modelName: string; scenario?:string; coords: vector3; heading:number; }[]

---@type { [string]: ShopStaticData }
local Module <const> = {
["General"] = {
shopName = "General Shop",
items = {
{ name = "gold", price = 200 },
{ name = "cognac", price = 100 }
blip = {
sprite = 52,
colour = 69,
scale = 0.8
locations = {
vector3(223.832962, -792.619751, 30.695190)
peds = {
modelName = "mp_m_shopkeep_01",
coords = vec3(223.832962, -792.619751, 31.0),
heading = 270.311,